Check out these fashion on line images:
Dolores, hacksaw; hacksaw, Dolores.
Image by happeningfish Almost in skeletor-mode. I ended up taking that hacksaw to the chain, which was nearly rusted solid. Note the back wheel is still on, due to a) my lack of brute strength regarding that hub bolt and b) that fucking lock. Who locks their bike before throwing it in a dumpster?! Hacksaw is currently about 10% through the lock. I'm really paranoid about the frame, though, I've already scratched it a couple of times and while that doesn't bother me so much, I have images of me cutting through the welded bits and my new bike bleeding WD-40-type stuff everywhere and flailing about in death throes.
April 4, 2007
Image by h20series
Fog and Skyscrapers
Image by George Buchholz Tumblr