Some cool animal abuse images:
Gaivina-dos-pauis | Whiskered-Tern
Image by Muchaxo
(CC) attribution, non-derivs, non-comercial ..
Please use only according to license terms, otherwise I'll have to take action and report abuse to Creative Commons, blog or notify any envolved companies.
Tirei algumas fotos mas só esta saiu nitida, em vôo elas têm um "turbo" valente.
Por vezes têm um comportamento semelhante ao perna-longa e mandam uns berros aos intrusos.
In circles at the Zenith
Image by Muchaxo
Aguia sapeira - fêmea
Circus aeruginosus
(CC) attribution, non-derivs, non-comercial ..
Please use only according to license terms, otherwise I'll have to take action and report abuse to Creative Commons, blog or notify any envolved companies.
As fotos seguintes são da mesma.